Pre-order rules (official release date Ship ONLY)

All pre-ordered items can only be shipped on official release dates and beyond.

Any Orders that contain pre-ordered items, can only be shipped one way:


1) The entire order will not ship until the furthest purchased item, is available for The official release.

(I.e. if an item is to have an official release date during the month of August & your order was purchased during the month of February, it will NOT ship until the month of August)



2) If you made a purchase for any pre-ordered items that include items you want shipped out earlier than the official release date OR want to cancel, please simply contact through email & include Only (order #: ZCGames) in the "Subject" line of the email 



3) To know what the official release date of any item you are looking to purchase, Go to the official website of the TCG (trading card game) you are currently looking for below for more information. *subject to change anytime*














